
> 50 million passwords and data for 4,500 crypto wallets stolen by malware
Worldwide, a total of 890,000 computers were infected and more than fifty million passwords were

Microsoft: Bypassing MFA on the rise
Analysts see an uptick in token theft from authenticated users, allowing threat actors to bypass

Helft populaire websites geen MFA
Bijna de helft van de populaire websites die Nederlanders bezoeken biedt geen optie voor het
Wachtwoordmanagement voor particulieren
Doordat 9 op de 10 wachtwoorden te makkelijk te achterhalen is, biedt wachtwoord management de

70% ouderen vindt wachtwoorden onthouden moeilijk
Seniorweb deed onderzoek onder ca. 900 ouderen. Hieruit blijkt dat 70% van de ouderen het

Malicious OAuth apps used to take over Email servers
Microsoft warned for a consumer-facing attack that makes use of rogue OAuth applications on compromised

84% Nederlanders maakt (zeer) zwakke wachtwoorden aan
Nederlanders gaan onveilig om met wachtwoorden en het delen van persoonsgegevens op internet, zo stelt

US takes marketplace with millions of stolen credentials offline
Thanks in part to action by the Dutch police, the American authorities have taken offline

How SMS Phishing and OTP became a liability
Recent SMS phishing attacks company employees show how easy it is to set up a

93 individual Authy accounts hacked due to Twilio phishing attack
Twilio, which earlier this month became a sophisticated phishing attack, disclosed last week that the

LastPass developer system hacked to steal source code and technical info
Propietary software and technical information stolen of LastPass. No effects according to LastPass on 33

Cisco hacked by password storage in the browser and MFA fatique
Cisco confirmed it was the victim of a cyberattack on May 24, 2022 after the